To use the .env file to configure test properties including API endpoints or secret tokens w'll ignore these files in .gitignore to make sure they’ve not been pushed to the repository. But, .env file is required while executing the tests.
1.Navigate to Pipeline -> Library -> Secure Files to upload the .env file
2.Authorise the use of .env in all pipelines.
3.Update azure-pipeline.yml in your pipeline to use the .env assuming that the .env is required in the source directory to run the tests successfully.
To copy environment-specific web configuration in an Azure Pipeline, you can utilize the CopyFiles task to copy configuration files from a source directory to the target directory. You would define separate tasks for each environment and specify the source and target directories accordingly. This ensures that each environment gets its specific configuration during the pipeline execution.
Yaml code:
- task: DownloadSecureFile@1
secureFile: ‘.env’
- task: CopyFiles@2
SourceFolder: $(Agent.TempDirectory)
Contents: ‘**\.env’
TargetFolder: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
Search also: How to securely connect hybrid cloud network with Azure?